Riding Vacation - Riding Classes - Horse Trekkings - Ranch vacation - for rent by owner
Riding Estates with Horses in the region of: Sofia
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Search item: Riding Vacation - Sofia |
1 Property matching specials were found | site: 1 from 1 | Property number: 1 - 1 |
Europe > Bulgaria > Sofia > Makotsevo village (35 km from Sofia)
STATIONARY-IN AND PROGRESSIVE PROGRAMS, RIDING IN NATURE, FUN, RELAX, FARM LIFE, BULGARIAN TRADITIONS AND HISTORY. Open: all-year, Accommodation for max. 12 Guests, Minimum age for guests: age 16 & up
Horses: >10 (Horses height 148 cm & up, Western), Riding lessons - Riding classes,
Boarding fee for Guest Horse(s): incl.,
Accommodation: Holiday Homes,
Horses: >10 (Horses height 148 cm & up, Western), Riding lessons - Riding classes,
Boarding fee for Guest Horse(s): incl.,
Accommodation: Holiday Homes,