Riding Vacation - Riding Classes - Horse Trekkings - Ranch vacation - for rent by owner
Riding Estates with Horses in the region of: All Regions
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Search item: Riding Vacation - All Regions City: Chicoana - Salta |
1 Property matching specials were found | site: 1 from 1 | Property number: 1 - 1 |
Latin America > Argentina > All Regions > Chicoana - Salta
The best option for riders of all the levels. Visit the traditional village of Chicoana and the tobacco plantations. You can also get a mountain trip. Open: all-year, Minimum age for guests: no limitation
Horses: >20 (Horses height 148 cm & up), Riding lessons - Riding classes,
Accommodation: Single / double room(s) , Multi-bedded room(s),
Horses: >20 (Horses height 148 cm & up), Riding lessons - Riding classes,
Accommodation: Single / double room(s) , Multi-bedded room(s),