The Accommodation
Guest lodgings
Comfortable log cabins for from 4 to 6 children and family rooms with kitchenett
5 Holiday Homes:
Dovecote, swallow's nest, fox earth and badger's burrow. They are suitable of course heatable and for from 4 to 6 children. The washing rooms are beyond the huts in the main house.
3 Holiday flats / apartments:
no details
4 Multi-bedded room(s):
4 new family rooms in the eyrie have own bath and a small Singelküche. Every flat has a seat area and a sleeping area. The rooms are suited for unaccompanied holiday's children, families, school classes, kindergartens and other groups.
Kind of Catering:
- Self-Catering
- Breakfast on request possible by arrangement
- Half-board on request possible by arrangement
- Full-board on request possible by arrangement
- Vegetarian Meals possible by arrangement
- Vegan diet possible by arrangement
More information of the Catering:
All holiday's children receive American plan (= 4 meals on the day). Kindergartens and school classes: 3 meals. Consideration is shown for special food. Families can supply themselves also themselves
General information of the accommodation
Special features:
Pool available, Internet access
More information of the accommodation:
The log cabins have a small patio and lie directly before the main house on a big lawn. There are the new family rooms in the main house only since 2010. They have a big balcony.