Job offers in Pakamisa / South Africa

Current Job offers

For equestrian and nature lovers: Volunteer for our Horseback Safaris in Zululand, South Africa,

Type of work:
Apprenticeship / Summer job / Au pair
Work area:
Riding instructor / Riding assistance, Horse grooming / Stable hand
support the training of our Safari horses
Time period:
from 01.10.2023 permanent
10 - 12 weeks
Assisting in our Horseback Safari company on a game farm (Game Reserve). Very good knowledge of English riding style requested, you have to be fit enough to exercise 3-4 horses a day and/or go on out rides with guests. Very good manners and ability to communicate with guests and to entertain them. You have to be interested in our nature and the reserve and be able to live far away from civilization without permanent internet connection! Independent work is expected.
Qualifications / Requirements:
18 - 30 years old, fit and sporty in order to do the work, very good riding skill - englisch style, driving licence, not more than 65 kg of weight.
Phone:  + 27 83  229 2116       Contact form