Homepage > Europe> Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Loßburg/24 Höfe > Reit-und Ferienhof Vogelsberg


Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Loßburg/24 Höfe

The place has only 11 houses and is surrounded by meadows and forests. Loßburg is only 4 km away and has been recognized as a family-friendly holiday destination.
Distances to the next larger towns:
Loßburg approx. 4 km, Alpirsbach approx. 7 km, Freudenstadt approx. 10 km, Horb approx. 35 km
Map Baden-Württemberg

Additional information about the area

Excursions: no details
Traveling by plane:
Pickup service is possible
Traveling by train:
Pickup service is possible

nearby /
on the property

Biking, Mountain biking, Inline skating, Hiking

Not more
than a 15 min.
drive away

Restaurants, Cinema, Shopping, Fitness Center , Golf course, Tennis court, Skiing downhill, Skiing cross-country

Not more
than a 90 min.
drive away

Theater, Galleries / Museum