Africa/Indian Ocean > South Africa > Kwa Zulu/Natal-Durban > Pakamisa
PAKAMISA is situated in the beautiful mountainous region of northern KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa, about 30 km southwest of the town of PONGOLA, in the middle of the extensive private game reserve.
Pakamisa is located not far from the Indian Ocean (airline distance about 50 km) about 15 km southwest of the town of PONGOLA, whose location you can see on the map below. This "corner" of Northern Natal, the mountainous area on the border with the Kingdom of Swaziland, is extremely sparsely populated and is one of the most scenic areas of South Africa. The nearby sea determines a mild, balanced climate. Since industry and urban centers are absent, there is neither air pollution nor social or political tensions here.
Pakamisa is located not far from the Indian Ocean (airline distance about 50 km) about 15 km southwest of the town of PONGOLA, whose location you can see on the map below. This "corner" of Northern Natal, the mountainous area on the border with the Kingdom of Swaziland, is extremely sparsely populated and is one of the most scenic areas of South Africa. The nearby sea determines a mild, balanced climate. Since industry and urban centers are absent, there is neither air pollution nor social or political tensions here.

Additional information about the area
Excursions: PAKAMISA GAME RESERVE - The private game reserve (in the center of which Pakamisa Hotel is built) covers, topographically surveyed from the air, an area of about 2,500 hectares; however, due to the highly mountainous terrain structure with many valleys and gorges, this results in a total surface area of more than 5,000 hectares. The reserve is not open to the public and thus the hotel guests of Pakamisa Hotel experience exclusively the impressive world of the natural African bushveld with its unique variety of wildlife and exotic plants. Leopards, giraffes, zebras, waterbucks, wildebeests, red hartebeests, warthogs and bushpigs, kudus, nyalas, impalas, bushbucks, common reedbucks and mountain reedbucks, gray and red duikers, steenboks, klipspringers, baboons as well as a variety of smaller furred game, predators and reptiles await you; not to forget hundreds of bird species whose undisturbed habitat delights every birdwatcher.Traveling by car:
Always important not to skimp on the rental car, rather a category larger as the roads here in SA are not very good.
A car is necessary
Always important not to skimp on the rental car, rather a category larger as the roads here in SA are not very good.
A car is necessary
Traveling by plane:
Best by air shuttle from Johannesburg directly to Pongola Airport (flight time approx. 1 hour); from here pick-up by hotel-owned vehicles directly from the plane. Drive to the hotel through the picturesque Pongola Valley, surrounded by evergreen sugar cane plantations.
Pickup service is possible
Pickup service is possible