Welcome in Schoenwalde-Glien
A species-appropriate place where relaxation and sport go hand in hand. A multifaceted offer brings unforgattable experiences.
Just 15 minutes away from the Berlin city line, situated northwest of the city the Schlossgut Schönwalde is surrounded by nature, nearly free of concrete with the possibility of promenades in all directions. The manor house was founded 1734, had a bad time during the DDR government, when it was abused as a grain storage. Since 2007 the new owners, a couple dedicated to polo and culture, are buildung a hideaway for poloplayers, tourists and cultural interested people. 2 national and 1 international bike trails pass the area, a game preserve is situated at the polo pitch. Between boom town and nearly free of industry countryside we are offering a heaven of calmness with the option to get a bath in Berlin's famous night scene by a ride of only 40 minutes. Be our guest among a lot of polo players from all over the world. Take part at our asados at night at the fireplace or watch the sceenings at our stablewallcinema. A Pimm's will allways wait for you. You are welcome!