> Dasing > Training center RAI riding
RAI riding - without whip, without spurs, without bridle - riding in Dasing, Bavaria!
Training center RAI riding
Our horses
Guest horses
Riding lessons
Horse Trekking Station
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Get to know the RAI riding during taster lessons
Volker Waschk with mare "Colleen"
Our horses enjoy daily free exercise.
Beginners are accompanied by experienced helpers
You spend the night in comfortable log cabins.
The Trapper Inn offers drinks and light snacks.
Beautiful log cabins invite you to linger.
A lot of entertainment is provided at events.
The children also have a lot of fun with the alpac
The grounds invite you to linger.
Enjoy nature on wonderful horseback rides ...
View from the riding arena to one of the paddocks
Daily grazing is standard with us.
Even the little ones are allowed on our horse :-)
Also for guest horses we have free paddocks.
Fred Rai was always a species-appropriate treatmen
The neck ring is also popular with horse and rider
Man must become the lead animal of his horse
Our spacious riding hall
Most of all, we RAI riders are out and about on th
Lessons take place with good school horses.
Our school horses are looking forward to their rid
Guest horses are welcome.
Bitless is essential in Dasing!
BAZ CEO Volker Waschk with "Istis"
You spend the night in comfortable log cabins.